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Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith

February 21, 2014

With God as our witness to the truthfulness of the following statement, we thus testify: Never in our sickest nightmares would we ever have believed that the President of Russia, not the POTUS would be the man of Christian faith and values.


Barracuda Brigade openly and without hesitation tips our hat to Vladimir Putin. Sir, everything you said as recorded in this report, you’re right!
To America and the free world we say the following: either we get back to the faith and values that allowed us to prosper, or we’re toast.
This starts with the immediate removal from office of Barack Obama and David Cameron.

Before It’s News At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation.”
More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West.
“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech. “Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”
In his state of the nation address in mid-December, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of “traditional values” against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into “chaotic darkness.”
As part of this defense of “Christian values,” Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to “insult” the religious sensibilities of believers.
The law on religious sensibilities was adopted in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s largest cathedral by a female punk rock group against the Orthodox Church’s support of Mr. Putin. Kremlin-run television said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.”
Mr. Putin’s views of the West were echoed this month by Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow, the leader of the Orthodox Church, who accused Western countries of engaging in the “spiritual disarmament” of their people.
In particular, Patriarch Kirill criticized laws in several European countries that prevent believers from displaying religious symbols, including crosses on necklaces, at work.
“The general political direction of the [Western political] elite bears, without doubt, an anti-Christian and anti-religious character,” the patriarch said in comments aired on state-controlled television.

“We have been through an epoch of atheism, and we know what it is to live without God,” Patriarch Kirill said. “We want to shout to the whole world, ‘Stop!’”

“The separation of the secular and the religious is a fatal mistake by the West,” the Rev. Chaplin said. “It is a monstrous phenomenon that has occurred only in Western civilization and will kill the West, both politically and morally.”

The Kremlin’s encouragement of traditional values has sparked a rise in Orthodox vigilantism. Fringe groups such as the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, an ultraconservative movement whose slogan is “Orthodoxy or Death,” are gaining prominence.

Patriarch Kirill has honored the group’s leader, openly anti-Semitic monarchist Leonid Simonovich, for his services to the Orthodox Church. The Banner Bearers, who dress in black paramilitary uniforms festooned with skulls, regularly confront gay and liberal activists on the streets of Moscow.

Although Mr. Putin has never made a secret of what he says is his deep Christian faith, his first decade in power was largely free of overtly religious rhetoric. Little or no attempt was made to impose a set of values on Russians or lecture to the West on morals.

However, since his inauguration for a third presidential term in May 2012, the increasingly authoritarian leader has sought to reach out to Russia’s conservative, xenophobic heartland for support.

It has proved a rich hunting ground.

“Western values, from liberalism to the recognition of the rights of sexual minorities, from Catholicism and Protestantism to comfortable jails for murderers, provoke in us suspicion, astonishment and alienation,” Yevgeny Bazhanov, rector of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s diplomatic academy, wrote in a recent essay.

Analysts suggest that Mr. Putin’s shift to ultraconservatism and anti-West rhetoric was triggered by mass protests against his rule that rocked Russia in 2011 and 2012. The unprecedented show of dissent was led mainly by educated, urban Muscovites — many with undisguised pro-Western sympathies.

“This is the government’s response to modernized Russians becoming more defiant and independent,” said Maria Lipman, an analyst with the Moscow-based Carnegie Center. “The government is pitting the conservative majority against the liberal minority. As a result, raging anti-Western ideology has now turned into something that is almost a state ideology.”

Ms. Lipman, however, suggested that Mr. Putin may be wary of expressing too much support for the Orthodox Church — “a symbol of Russian statehood” — lest it someday challenge his authority.

Some 70 percent of Russians define themselves as Orthodox Christians in opinion polls, and opposition figures in the past have called on the church to play a mediating role between the Kremlin and protesters.

“Because of Putin’s shift to conservatism, the church may feel more emboldened,” Ms. Lipman said. “So Putin does not overemphasize the church in speeches, preferring to concentrate on talk of traditional values. He is wary of boosting its support even higher.”

CREDIT TO:  The Washington Times / Before It’s News

  1. CHERYL permalink

    Considering the history of Russia and Putin himself, I would not be so fast to endorse him on the basis of one speech. This could be the grandstanding beginning of a long thought and well planned process to attack our nation. They can always say anything and people of the US just jump up and endorse a enemy they do not know or understand. Proud to be an American where at least I KNOW I’m free. Obama or no Obama. I KNOW I’M FREE.

  2. Lorrie permalink

    he can’t stand obama. It’s laughable when they get together. Obama is so out of his league

  3. Ouch! Well. If the shoe fits, you must wear it. It took an outsider, whose Christian values I do question, to bring clarity as to what this nation has succumbed to, but you must admit that he is right. Blessings.

  4. katsenne permalink

    Why do I feel that he’s trying to follow Constantine’s example?

  5. The Demon’s could not attack,openly in Antient times,because The Apostles were HOLY.

  6. I hardly believe Mr. Putin has fully accepted conservative christian values, but I tend to like him more than the multi -faceted [faced] “character” we have acting as our president.

  7. I grew up hunting in the woods, taught by real men who knew how to survive off the land and had respect for God and family. Men who had served country and God. I cannot and will not be led by a sissy–obama, cameron–if that would be my only choice then I would be a loner. A man like Putin, I would do his bidding if need be.

  8. It is quite true that much of the West has turned its back upon the Creator – the fruits of this falsehood are bitter and apparent throughout Western Europe, the US, Australia and elsewhere. There is no doubt about this. Whether or not Putin is a genuine Christian is not the concern of the West but rather he makes many accurate points regarding the cavalier philosophy of the West regarding traditions and moral positions that have been guided by Biblical principles for 3500 yrs. They are no less true today than they were in the days of the ancient Israelites. Look about our world and see the outcome of either a practical atheism, philosophical atheism or a wholly secular society in which we struggle to maintain our humanity and dignity with each passing day. The issues are well known to everyone and there is no need to further beat this dead horse so let us look at the wider picture in the aftermath of the death of God in the West. Yes we have appeased the fringe groups and have mastered the twisted art of the politically correct at the expense of our very souls. Those who have engineered this farcical and fraudulent culture will scoff and scowl at such words as these however the proof lies in the very state of the West today as it languishes in debauchery of every sort, financial ruin, international threats by rogue cult-like religions and the near destruction of the nuclear family upon which all civilizations have been built since the earliest of recorded history.

  9. Joe Kretschmer permalink

    All of this makes the consecration of Russia by the Pope most interesting. Apparently when that happens, Russia will be even more unstopebly religious.

  10. Christ Centre permalink

    Liberals and Socialist Jews and certain Zionist lobbies want to see christian countries and values destroyed yet they live under our muscle power and shade of political power to escape the Islamic wrath. They played a major with the Mohammedans in the destruction of Christianity in middle east, as well as in the west. Western churches became museums of saints and fallen saints now !!!! The true power houses once ruled over nations and Jews. Evangelical Christians are enslaved and lured in to pro Zionism to all Geo political conflicts and blinded by Jewish greed. They infiltrated the church to introduce false doctrines, that confuse the society and eventually made people to throw the church out ! Russia as a Christian nation will thrive ten fold, america fallen in to the hands of evil men who hate God and truth!!!!!

    • I am glad to see that Putin has change Russia to believe in God. The idea that our country has been brain washed by Obama and his cronies bothers me a great deal. The churches in Russia started to change in the 1960’s which made me want to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg but I did not have the money to travel and waited. People in this country thought that I was against our country but if one open their minds to accept or to recognize the true meaning of religion, then we can see without any blinders the true meaning and acceptance of God.

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  1. Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA and West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith
  2. Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith | From the Trenches World Report

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